USDF Trainers Conference

Lots of takeaways from the USDF Trainers Conference and had the pleasure of meeting Lendon Gray who stopped by Laura Ashley Killian’s farm to watch a young rider. Lendon heads which has a lot of opportunities for young riders to get a leg up! One of the takeaways as a general rule of thumbContinue reading “USDF Trainers Conference”

Winter Wonderland Dressage Show

This was a perfect show to top of the year and simultaneously kick off the new show season. On Saturday, Ritz showed Third Level Test 3 and got a 72% first time out and won his division. Amber performed an Intermediate 1 “Christmas Special” Freestyle with a 66.5% which is a both a qualifying scoreContinue reading “Winter Wonderland Dressage Show”

Newest Member of the Team!

Meet Phoenix! He is a 2022 Gypsy Vanner colt owned by Sharon Katz and comes from Gypsy Gold Farm in Florida. He carries The Gypsy King lines and will continue his legacy as a future dressage prospect and will stand as a Stallion at Gypsy Gold. His name on record will be ‘Bils Legacy’ inContinue reading “Newest Member of the Team!”

Lowcountry Dressage Classic

Congratulations to Simone Rogge, qualifying for First Level with a high of 70% and two scores towards her Bronze medal! Bucky also did extremely well at his first dressage show, scored high of 69%, qualifying for Regional Championships, the Jovee Pony championships and won both of his classes on Saturday. Beringer also won all ofContinue reading “Lowcountry Dressage Classic”